对发现自我国北方海区养殖环境中危害性盾纤目纤毛虫的常见类群 (16属 )之口器结构、一般形态学与鉴别特征以及属种模式做了概要性介绍。同时涉及了生活类型、已知种的分布范围。
This work has generalized the morphological features of some pathogenic scuticociliatid ciliates which commonly occur in various eutropic / saprobic marine habitats (e. g. mariculture waters) in China especially as facultative parasite or ecoto- as well as endocommensal organisms on or within fishes, molluscs and shrimp. Sixteen genera are schematically described: Paralembus, Metanophrys, Mesanophrys, Paranophrys, Homalogastra, Philasterides, Porpostoma, Cyclidium, Miamiensis, Parauronema, Uronema, Pseudocohnilembus, Cohnilembus, Pleuronema, Ancistrum, and Pseudocyclidium . This work is expected to concentrate upon the diagnostic characteristics for genera separation based mainly on the infraciliature and the structure of oral apparatus revealed by silver impregnations in order to give a clearer and practical guide for the identification of those small, usually morphologically similar and highly confused ciliated protozoa.
Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao
国家自然科学基金课题!(39970 0 98)资助