Over the last decade, studies of marine colloids have increased dramatically. This paper reviews the advances in this field. The application of cross-flow ultrafiltration to marine systems has promoted the further studies on marine colloid. There are abundant sub-μm size colloids in seawater, which can comprise a significant fraction of dissolved organic matter (DOM). Because the marine DOM reservoir is comparable in size to the atmospheric carbon Pool and since at least some fractions may have high turnover rates, processes which influence marine DOM may have significant ramifications to global carbon studies. Part of the renewed interest in colloid organic matter stems from improvement in marine organic carbon analysis. Colloid organic carbon (COC) and other related studies become the main trend of the marine colloid studies. The COC researches emphasizes the size of COC Pool, the source and destination of COC. The colloid organic nitrogen studies have been fewer than that of colloid organic carbon. However, the only several papers have shown that there is scarce nitrogen in colloid phase and rich in truly dissolved phase, with the material compositions being different in the two phases. In addition to bulk organic carbon and nitrogen there is evidence that bioactive metals and specific organic compounds are associated with marine colloids. Colloids not only give high abundance and tremendous surface area which can sorb trace metals and hydrophobic organic compounds, but also have an important role as reactive intermediaries between particulate phase and truly dissolved phase. Since colloid might Play an important role in biogeochemical cycling of organic carbon. nitrogen. trace metal. radionuclide and organic pollutants, etc, it will be of far-reaching significance in understanding the cycling processes of material in the ocean.
Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica