6名健康志愿者分次接受肌注、静注和静滴Aztreonam 1g后,平均高峰血浓度分别为44.6、134.4和111.3μg/ml。三者的消除半衰期在1.8~1.9小时之间。肌注后吸收迅速完全,生物利用度约90%。24小时内尿排出率为给药量的70%。根据Aztreonam的药代动力学和抗菌活性,提出了治疗不同感染的给药方案。
Clinical pharmacokinetic study of aztreonam was carried out six normal volunteers were given a single dose of 1g of the drug by im, ivinjection ila and iv infusion.The mean peak serum concentrations were 134. 4μg/ml, 111.3 μg/ml and 44.6μg/ml respectively after aztreonam 1.0g iv,iv infusion and im admins tration. The elimination half livss ranged from 1.8-1.9 hours. Absorption after im injection was rapid and complete, the bioavailability being 90%. The urinary recovery rate within 24 hourswas around 70% after iv, iv infusion and im administraton of the drug.Based on its pharmacokinetic characteristics and antimicrobial activity, a therapeutic dose regimen is suggested for use in treatment of various infections.
Chinese Journal of Antibiotics