对GB/T 5009.34-2003《食品中亚硫酸盐的测定》中盐酸副玫瑰苯胺比色法检验葡萄酒中二氧化硫含量的方法进行探讨。通过加入不同质量的活性炭于中速滤纸过滤的方法消除葡萄酒中假阳性物质对二氧化硫测定干扰,并测定样品的不同浓度点的加标回收率情况,多次试验结果表明,回收率在90.4%~101.2%,相对偏差均小于2%,可以用此方法于进口葡萄酒的批量检验中。
This paper reinforced the GB/T 5009.34-2003〈The Determination of Sulphite in Foods〉,to exploringthe inspection method of sulfite dioxide content in imported wines by hydrochloric para-soanilin colormetrymethod.The different amount activated carbon on the middle speed filter paper was used to eliminating theinterference of the fake positive substance in imported wines.The relia-bility of this method was testified bylabeling the rate of recovery and RSD(%).The method is accurate and sensitive with recovery rate of 90.4%-101.2%,RSD(%)2%.It can be used to the inspection batch-bulk imported wines.
Liquor Making