
How Does Vocabulary Knowledge Affect Chinese EFL Learners' Writing Quality in Web-based Settings?—Evaluating the Relationships Among Three Dimensions of Vocabulary Knowledge and Writing Quality

摘要 This study investigated the relationships among different dimensions of vocabulary knowledge (passive, controlled active and free active vocabulary knowledge) and how they affect EFL learners' writing quality. Participants were a whole class of web-based English learners (N = 31) of tertiary level in the Chinese mainland. The results show that free active (above 2000) vocabulary knowledge has a much stronger correlation with controlled active than passive vocabulary knowledge, and writing quality has a stronger correlation with free active vocabulary knowledge than with the other two dimensions of vocabulary knowledge. 网络英语学习者有其学习方式的独特性,因而学习效果与在校生亦不尽相同。本文旨在探讨中国英语网络学习者的不同维度的词汇量(被动、半主动及主动)以及写作文本质量之间的关系。本文测试对象为北京某大学网络教育学院英语专业一年级学习者(N=31)。
出处 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2012年第1期117-127,129,共12页 中国应用语言学(英文)
关键词 passive controlled active and free active vocabulary knowledge writing competence 被动词汇量 半主动词汇量 主动词汇量 写作质量
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