
如何经济科学地管理心血管介入治疗中的质量 被引量:2

Quality Control of Cardiovascular Interventional Therapy
摘要 心血管介入治疗在全世界范围内以惊人的速度发展。在医疗资源缺乏的中国,由于它昂贵的手术费用和医疗设备,则要求介入医师应该以更经济、更科学、更人性的态度,高质量地推广它在临床的应用,让患者享受低投入、高获益的介入治疗,医疗机构应根据成本效益分析和循证医学的临床研究结果加强对医师及介入治疗策略的宏观、微观监管。 As a new technology, cardiovascular interventional therapy brought new light on the treatment of heart disease. Despite surprising speed of its development, the complexity of this procedure raises a high demand for equipment and car- diologist. Moreover, for the lack of medical resources in China and the high cost of new therapeutic strategy, physicians should promote the clinical application in a more economical and scientific way as well as with more humanistic attitude. So quality control of cardiovascular interventional therapy should be enhanced to improve its clinical application and provide medical care of lower investment and high benefit for patients, anyway, medical institutions achieve their proper quality control including micro-- or macro-- control depending on outcomes of cost--effectiveness analysis and evidence--based medicine during clinical research while clinical practitioner choose suitable strategies basing on it.
出处 《医学与哲学(B)》 2012年第3期4-6,16,共4页 Medicine & Philosophy(B)
关键词 质量控制 心血管介入治疗 成本效益分析 循证医学 quality control, cardiovascular interventional therapy, cost-- effectiveness analysis, evidence-- based medicine
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