
低盐度下不同蛋白含量的饲料对凡纳滨对虾生长、体成分、渗透调节的影响 被引量:1

Effects of dietary protein levels on growth,body composition,osmoregulation of the Litopenaeus vannamei at low salinity environment
摘要 试验设计了蛋白含量为25.76%、32.21%、35.36%、42.34%、46.12%(CP25、CP30、CP35、CP40、CP45)的五种饲料,研究了不同蛋白质含量的饲料在低盐度(盐度为10)条件下对凡纳滨对虾(0.26g)的生长、存活、体成分、渗透压的影响。结果表明:饲料蛋白质含量对凡纳滨对虾各试验组的成活率无显著影响(P>0.05),而对其它各项生长指标影响显著(P<0.05),增重率和特定生长率随蛋白含量的增加而增加。而凡纳滨对虾的体蛋白含量随饲料蛋白含量的升高而升高。体脂肪含量则随饲料蛋白含量的增加先升高后下降,对虾体灰分和水分无显著性影响。血蓝蛋白、鳃丝Na+-K+-ATPase酶活性随饲料蛋白含量的增加而上升。渗透压则随饲料蛋白含量的增加而降低。 This trial conducted five test dietary protein levels which were 25.76%,32.21%,35.36%, 42.34%,46.12% (named CP25,CP30,CP35,CP40,CP45,respectively),study the effects of different dietary protein levels on the growth,survival,body composition, osmoregulation by white shrimp (initial weight 0.26g) at low salinity environment.The result show that different protein levels had no significant effects on survival(P 〉 0.05),which had significant effects on weight gain, specific growth rate(P 〈 0.05).Weight gain and specific growth rate increased with the increasing of dietary protein level.Body crude protein content of shrimp increased with the increasing of dietary protein level,and body lipid content was increased with the increasing of dietary protein levels firstly, and then decreased.Body ash and body moisture had no difference efficient.Hemocyanin,gill filament Na + -K + -ATPase were increased with the increasing of dietary protein level. Osmotic pressure was decreased with the increasing of dietary protein level.
出处 《饲料与畜牧(新饲料)》 2012年第4期33-36,共4页
关键词 凡纳滨对虾 蛋白质含量 生长 存活 体成分 渗透压 Litopenaeus vannamei protein level growth survival body composition osmotic pressure.
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