
随机产出与需求下基于风险共享的VMI协同 被引量:4

Vendor-managed Inventory Coordination Based on Risk Sharing under Stochastic Output and Demand
摘要 在由一个产出随机的生产商和一个需求随机的批发商组成的供应链系统中,通过建立基于风险共享的VMI协同模型使供应链整体绩效达到最优。研究表明,产出和需求的随机性增强对批发商和供应链整体有不利影响,但需求波动增大却有助于提高生产商在RMI模式中的期望利润;产出随机促进批发商提高订货量,而生产商的计划产量随订货量线性递增,且反应的敏感程度随批发价格/成本的比值增大或产出随机性的减小而增强。最后数值算例验证了结论的有效性。 In a supply chain consisting of a stochastic output manufacture and a stochastic demand distributer,a VMI coordination model based on risk sharing is established to make supply chain achieve optimal performance.It's pointed out that randomness of output and demand is harmful to distributer and supply chain as a whole.However,higher demand uncertainty results in manufacturer's larger expected profit in RMI.Yield randomness prompts distributer to order more,while manufacture's planed yield linearly increases in order quantity. In addition,the higher the ratio of wholesale price/cost is or the lower the yield uncertainty is,the more sensitive the manufacture's response to the distributer's order quantity is.Finally,the effectiveness of the finding is verified by computing examples.
作者 赵道致 吕昕
出处 《系统工程》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期1-8,共8页 Systems Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(7077107371072155) 天津市高等学校科技发展基金资助项目(201021127)
关键词 随机产出 随机需求 VMI 协同 风险共享 Stochastic Yield Stochastic Demand VMI Coordination Risk Sharing
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