

Research on the change of negative symptoms in PCP-induced schizophrenia rat model
摘要 目的探讨苯环利定(Phencyclidine,PCP)诱导精神分裂症模型大鼠阴性症状的改变。方法雌性新生SD大鼠分为生理盐水组和PCP模型6周组,10周组(每组n=10)。模型组于出生后7,9,11d腹腔注射PCP(10mg/kg),采用行为学方法观察6周,10周情感及阴性症状。结果PCP模型大鼠蔗糖水消耗与生理盐水组相比差异无统计学意义[生理盐水组:(28.24±0.86)ml/kg;6周:(26.57±1.01)ml/kg,10周:(27.98±0.99)ml/kg,F=12.35,P〉0.05];强迫游泳实验中不动时间较生理盐水组比较显著减少[生理盐水组:(39.32±1.98)s;6周:(52.39±1.66)s,10周:(55.56±1.49)s,F=3.99,P〈0.05);居留者一入侵实验探究时间少于生理盐水组大鼠[(40.31±13.56)s,(63.90±13.12)s;(43.65±12.86)s,(65.18±15.12)s,P〈0.05],而逃避时间却多于生理盐水组大鼠[(19.33±2.26)s,(9.26±1.32)s;(17.79±2.99)s;(9.39±36)s,P〈0.05]。结论围生期PCP注射会对青春期及成年后大鼠产生持久的阴性症状的改变。 Objective To study the changes of negative symptoms in PCP-induced schizophrenia rat mod- el. Methods Thirty newborn female SD rats randomly divided into control group, PCP-week 6 group and PCP- week 10 group( n = 10 in each group). Perinatal rat treated with PCP ( 10 mg/kg) on postnatal days 7,9 and 11 ( 10 mg/kg, ip) , and sucorse intalce test (SIT) , forced swimming test (FST) and resident-intruder test (RIT) were used to test the emotional and negative symptoms. Results In the SIT, there was no difference between control and PCP groups ( con : (28.24 ± 0.86) ml/kg ; week 6 : ( 26.57 ± 1. 01 ) ml/kg; week 10 : ( 27.98±0.99 ) ml/kg, F = 12.35, P 〉 0.05 ). In the FST, PCP model rats showed longer still time ( con : ( 39.32 ±1.98 ) s ; week 6 : ( 52.39 ± 1.66) s, week 10 : (55.56 ± 1.49 ) s, F= 3.99, P〈 0.05 ). In the RIT, PCP models rats showed less explore time ( ( 40.31 ±13.56 ) s vs ( 63.90 ±13.12 ) s, (43.65 ± 12.86 ) s vs ( 65.18 ± 15.12 ) s, P 〈 0.05 ) and more escape time ((19.33 ± 2. 26) s vs (9. 26 ± 1. 32) s, (17. 79± 2. 99) s vs (9. 38 -± 1. 36) s, P 〈 0. 05). Conclusion Perinatal PCP injection can induce the long-lasting negative-symptoms ehanges.
出处 《中华行为医学与脑科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期222-224,共3页 Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30670758,30870886)
关键词 苯环利定 精神分裂症 蔗糖水摄取实验 强迫游泳 居留者-入侵 Phencyclidine Schizophrenia Sucrose intake test Forced swimming test Resident-intruder test
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