

A Comparative Study of the Concentration Level of Female Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools in the World
摘要 本文选取世界7大区域30个国家为研究对象,分析了中小学女教师聚集度与经济发展水平、女性劳动参与率以及女性高等教育参与率之间的关系。研究结果发现:一个国家中小学女教师的聚集程度与该国的人均国民生产总值及女性的高等教育参与率有正向的关系,但与女性的劳动参与率并没有直接的关系。 Based on the data of 30 countries selected form the seven regions in the world, this study addresses the relationship between the concentration level of female teachers in primary and secondary schools and economic conditions, females' labour force participation rate and females' higher education participation rate.It finds that, throughout the world, the concentration level of female teachers in primary and secondary schools has a fairly strong positive relationship with per capita GDP and females' higher education participation rate. However, it shows that there is not a strong association between the concentration level of female teachers inprimary and secondary schools and females' labour force participation rate.
作者 朱剑
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期82-86,共5页 International and Comparative Education
关键词 中小学 女教师聚集度 国际比较 Primary and Secondary Education the Concentration Level of Female Teachers ComparativeStudy
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