
创意消费阶层的成长——以北京798艺术聚集区为例 被引量:2

Creative Consumer Class:Features and Growth-Case Study of 798 Precinct at Beijing
摘要 创意消费阶层是指城市居民中对创意产品具有特定消费倾向和连续稳定的消费行为,并能使创意产品不断向更广阔空间传播的特定居民群体。本文以北京798艺术聚集区为例,通过大样本量调查分析,采用区位商、交叉列表和GIS空间距离计算等方法,对798聚集区消费者的消费倾向和消费行为以及空间分布进行考察,发现文化创意产业的消费阶层特征;并通过对特征的三维匹配和矩阵匹配分析,判断其成长阶段及发展趋势。结论认为,我国创意消费者特征匹配程度不高,尚处于初期和中期形成阶段,需要针对不同聚集区特点,培养消费人群对创意产品和服务连续稳定的消费习惯,增强主体消费人群在消费阶层成长中的作用。 Since Florida had defined creative class, the features of the creative class, the role of the class in creative city and ways to foster the class have been important issues for creative city and creative industry. Howev- er, there is another class, which has agglomeration and general consuming habit, as well as propagates the creative products broadly, that denotes the group of specific residents at urban areas. The features of this kind of group in- clude three categories, which are typical consumers for creative products, continuant and static consuming habit- ants, spatial distribution without distance barriers. This kind of class is creative consumer class. Owning to be a component of the residents, this class is determined by the structure of the residents. The kind of class is also the critical group for creative city and creative industry. However, Florida was failed to argue this kind of class, either the previous studies did not suggest the class for consumers. Field survey method has been adopted to acquire the data about the consumers in the precinct of 798 at Bei- jing. In order to do quality survey, there were four steps for organizing survey process. The time for the survey was April 4, 2010 when was a traditional holiday in China. Within the field survey, there are 449 question sheets which have been involved in the analysis. Within the survey data three categories have been done as the following. For the components of the consumer class, results show that 1/3 of the consumers were from outside Beijing, students and technological consumers are the main part, consumers with college and up education experience are 90% , consumers with income at middle level is the most ratio group. Because the consumer structure depends on the structure of the residents, it is necessary to do agglomeration analysis for the structure of the group. Ratio to ra- tio method has been adopted to do the comparison. The comparing ratios show that the residents with graduated ed- ucation experience, student identity, youth people and foreigners are the most agglomeration groups in consumers of 798 Precinct. The class is denoted as consumer class of 798 Precinct at Beijing. For the consuming habitant, the authors of this paper defined the consuming habitant as continuant and static consuming activities. There are four types of them, which are 1 ~ 4 times a month, 2 -6 times half year, 1 -2 times a year and the first time to be 798 Precinct. With crossing list table method, the result shows that the last two types of consumer group are 75.72% , indicates the main part of the consumers. Mainly, the ratio reduced with the frequency raised among most of the groups. As a result, the groups with middle level education and middle age have high frequent consuming activities. For consumer spatial distribution, GIS techniques have been employed to calculate the distance for each con- sumer. Results show that the distances of residents living places from 798 Precinct become longer with income and education level become higher, youth people live further than the old aged people. This denotes that the group of high income and high education and young people are the consumer class of creative industry who has the potentiali- ty for transferring creative products further. With the three categories of creative consumer class above, the growth and trend stages will be explored when the three categories are combined together. Within mature, growing, primary and beginning stages being defined, the combination result shows that there is no mature class stage type, there are three types of growing class stage, four types of primary stage and six types of beginning stage. Then, match methods of three dimensions and metric relations also have been adopted to define the trends of creative consumer class. It conducts the conclusion that the features of creative consumer class are mismatch. It denotes that main part of the group did not have continuant consuming activity, distance and frequency are conflict and, distance and agglomeration are liner relation. It indi- cates that the special class has been selected from the consumers and need to be fostered by the city.
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期95-104,共10页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家自然科学基金"城市空间扁平分异研究--基于北京市的实证分析"(41071111) 北京市自然科学基金"北京文化创意产业聚集区‘共识决策’利益关系研究"(9102012) 中国人民大学科学研究基金(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助)(10XNJ007)
关键词 创意消费阶层 创意产业聚集区 特征匹配 成长阶段 creative consumer class creative precinct features match growth period
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