

Adhesives of Theory and Practice: A Review of Education Practicing Procedures of "Powerful Teacher Education Program" from United States
摘要 美国"有效教师教育项目"突出见习实习教师教学临床经验建构,在见习实习内容、指导方式以及建设实验学校和专业发展学校等方面,对见习、实习模式进行改革与创新,取得重大突破并积累起成功经验。这些经验对我国提升教育见习、实习有效性,强化见习、实习在教师培养中的实践性、综合性、基础性功能,提升教师教育研究和实践的内涵都具有积极的借鉴作用。 Powerful Teacher Education Programs from United States emphasized the strategies, goals, and contents of practical training models of five highly successful and long-standing teacher education programs: Alverno College, Bank Street College, Trinity University, University of Southern Maine, and University of Virginia. All these colleges and universities have succeeded in preparing students to be the outstanding teacher candidates and to achieve high levels of performance in the future. Theses outstanding teacher education models provide positive references for Chinese teacher education programs in empowering educational practice and underlining fundamental and comprehensive functions of practical training procedures in teacher education.
出处 《外国中小学教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期36-41,共6页 Primary & Secondary Schooling Abroad
基金 国家教育部人文社会科学研究项目(项目编号10YJC880044) 上海市浦江人才计划(项目编号10PJC063)的资助
关键词 美国 教师教育 见习 实习 临床经验建构 United States Teacher Education Practicing of Education Construction of Clinical Experience
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