
辽宁绒山羊常用饲料营养价值评定 被引量:25

Nutritive Value Evaluation of Some Feed for Liaoning Cashmere Goat
摘要 采集辽宁绒山羊常用饲料17种23个样品,应用康奈尔净碳水化合物-蛋白体系(CNCPS)提出的原理和方法对饲料营养价值进行评价。测定饲料原料常规营养成分以及非蛋白氮(NPN)、可溶性蛋白(SCP)、酸性洗涤不溶蛋白(ADFIP)、中性洗涤不溶蛋白(NDFIP)及酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)、中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、木质素(LIGNIN)和淀粉,并对饲料原料的蛋白质和碳水化合物进行分类分析。结果表明:粗饲料可溶性蛋白质主要是NPN,真蛋白含量少,3种蛋白质饲料可溶蛋白主要是真蛋白,NPN含量少;所采集灌木类饲料纤维含量尤其是慢速降解细胞壁成分含量低,可快速降解糖类和可利用蛋白质含量高,质量优于秸秆和干草等其他粗饲料;棉粕的不可消化纤维和不可消化蛋白质含量高,可消化利用性较差。豆皮的蛋白质含量较低,主要是慢速降解纤维成分占绝大多数。 This study was conducted to evaluate the nutrition value of 23 feeds of Liaoning cashmere goat based on the principles and methods of Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein system (CNCPS). Analysis of convention nutrition ingredients NDF,ADF,LIGNIN,NPN,SCP,NDFIP ,ADFIP.The classification of feed protein components PA, PB1, PB2,PB3, PC and carbohydrate components CA, CB 1, CB2,CC are calculated according to the CNCPS and analyzed the distribution characteristic. The result indicated that:The soluble peotein in roughage is mainly NPN but lower true protein contant, which the theree protein feedstuffs is contraray; Shrub Categories feed stuff have lower fiber content especially the cell wall content which degradable speed is slow ,but the rapid degradable saccharide and available protein content is higer than other straw and bay; cottonseed meal have bad available performance because of the higer levle undegradable fiber and protein; skin of soybean proess lower content protein and the main content is slow degradable fiber.
出处 《中国畜牧杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第7期38-42,共5页 Chinese Journal of Animal Science
基金 现代农业产业化体系(nycytx-40-09)
关键词 畜牧学 营养评价 CNCPS 辽宁绒山羊 animal science CNCPS nutritive value Liaoning Cashmere goat
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