

[r,s,t]-Colouring of Graph D_(m,4)
摘要 由m个四回路恰有一个公共点构成的图记为Dm,4。研究图Dm,4的点着色、边着色和全着色,给出图Dm,4在参数r,s,t满足一定条件时的[r,s,t]-色数。 Let a graph contains m cycles C4 of lengths 4 have a common vertex,then we denote this graph as Dm,4.Then we study the vertex coloring,edge coloring and total coloring of Graph Dm,4,and give the [r,s,t]-chromatic numbers of the Graph Dm,4 when the parameters r,s,and t meet certain conditions.
出处 《广西科学》 CAS 2012年第1期31-34,共4页 Guangxi Sciences
基金 广西教育厅面上项目(200807MS098) 柳州师范高等专科学校基金项目(LSZ2010B003)资助
关键词 图Dm 4 [r s t]-着色 [r s t]-色数 graph graph Dm 4 [r s t]-colouring [r s t]-chromatic number
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