介绍了心率变异性的基本概念和进行心率变异性分析的基本分析方法 ,并提出了便携式心率变异性分析设备的系统结构和进行心率变异性分析的分析算法。设备硬件方面 ,在分析心电信号的特征的基础上 ,介绍了一种可实现的心电采集电路。该电路采用三运放结构 ,具有良好的性能 ,文中给出了相关的测试结果 ;分析算法方面 ,介绍了用于心率变异性分析的时域分析算法和频域分析算法 ,并对频域分析法的自回归模型进行了推导。结合具体实例 。
This paper introduces the basic concept about HRV and the analysis methods on it, puts forward the system structure of portable spectrum analytic facility for HRV, and presents the analytic algorithms. On analysing the characteristics of the ECG signals, the paper introduces a practicable electrocircuit on sampling ECG signals. This electrocircuit has three amplifiers and gains good performance. The relevant sampling result is also presented. Concerning the analytic algorithms, the paper puts forward the algorithms for temporal analysis and spectrum analysis, and deduces the AR algrithm for spectrum analysis. The analysis result on HRV of an instance is also presented in this paper.
铁道部医工专项基金项目! (J97Z0 2 5 )