按10mg/kg的剂量给鲤鱼肌注、口服诺氟沙星,用高效液相色谱法检测用药后不同时间血 浆中药物的质量浓度,然后用90003P87实用代动力学软件自理药时数据。结果,肌注和口服诺氟沙星在鲤鱼体内的药时数据均符合开放性二室模型。主要药代动力学参数,肌注:t1/2a(0.127±0.0130)h,t1/2β(3.4032±0.587 3)h,t1/2ka(0.0067±0.0008)h,AUC(24.9481±6.
Pharmacokinetics of intramuscularly (i.m.) and orally administered at a dose of 10 mg/kg norfloxacin were investigated in carps. Serum norfloxacin concentration were measured using HPLC and concentration time data analyzed with 9 000 3P87 practical pharmacokinetics software. The results showed that the serum profiles of norfloxacin in carp were best described by a two compartment open model following i.m. and oral administration. After i.m. dosing, the parameters were: t 1/2α (0.127 9±0.013 0) h, t 1/2β (3.403 2±0.587 3) h, t 1/2ka (0.006 7±0.000 8) h, AUC ( 24.948 1 ±6.314 6) μg/(mL·h), CL S(0.400 8±0.103 5) mg/(kg·h), T peak (0.032 2±0.003 5) h, C max ( 16.899 2 ± 4.372 6 ) mg/L. After oral dosing, the parameters were: t 1/2α (3.407 1±1.069 8) h, t 1/2β (77.123 9± 21.387 5 ) h, t 1/2ka ( 0.149 1 ±0.013 0) h, AUC (150.602 9±35.427 8) μg/(mL ·h), CL S (0.066 4±0.002 1) mg/(kg·h), T peak (0.730 0± 0.010 2 ) h, C max (5.799 8±1.367 5) mg/L. This suggested that the main pharmacokinetic parameters of i.m. and oral administration were significantly different(P<0.01).
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine
农业部“九五”重点研究项目!(95-B-96-0 3 -0 2 )