
邱茂良教授消化道疾病针灸“三宜”治略 被引量:9

Professor QIU Mao-liang's theory of “three benefits” of acupuncture for diseases of digestive system
摘要 邱茂良教授是我国现代著名中医针灸学家,澄江针灸学派代表人物之一,他治疗消化道疾病,因病设立"三宜"治略:胃及十二指肠溃疡病,针灸宜疏肝、宜健脾、宜和胃;对于其中脾虚证,主方用穴宜多补法,俞原穴宜多补法,募穴宜多泻法。慢性胃炎,虚多实少,针灸宜健脾温寒为要;阶段性宜疏肝理气为治;特殊类型宜清养胃阴为当。胃下垂,总体宜补中益气,伴气滞者宜调理中焦气机,湿食停滞宜化痰利水消食,采用长针提胃法分别有巨阙提胃法、梁门提胃法、胃周提胃法。泄泻,针对湿、热、寒病理三因素,宜化湿,宜清热,宜温寒,且以化湿为要,清热与温寒因证而立。胆石症,针对气机郁滞、胆胃失调、有形邪阻病理三因素而立治略,宜理气止痛,宜调理胆胃,宜排石祛邪。邱教授消化道疾病针灸"三宜"治略,主要是基于病机的主次、症状的轻重、病情的演变、针法的要术、治疗的目的等。其"三宜"学术思想对于消化道疾病的针灸施治,具有重要作用及临床意义。 Professor QIU Mao-liang is a famous Chinese physician of acupuncture and Chinese medicine in modern time and is one of representative figure of Chengjiang acupuncture schools.The theory of "three benefits" of acupuncture for dise-ases of disgestive system is established according to pathogenesis.He holds that acupuncture is favorable in removing the stagnated liver qi,reinforcing the functions of the spleen and the stomach in treatment of gastroduodenal ulcer.For problems due to spleen deficiency,reinforcing method should be given to the main points,Back-shu points and Yuan-primary points,while reducing method should be given to Front-mu points.Deficiency type of chronic gastritis is much more seen than excessive type.Therefore,the treating principle of acupuncture should be tonifying the spleen and dispeling the cold.Removing the liver qi and regulating qi circulation can be applied in phases.And for special cases,method of tonifying the stomach yin should be used.For gastroptosis,reinforcing qi in the middle jiao should be applied generally.For those with qi stagnation,qi in middle jiao should be regulated.For retention of food and dampness,treatment should focus on removing phlegm and dampness.And the following points can be selected to lift the stomach by long needle,Juque(CV 14),Liangmen(ST 21) and the acupoints around stomach.For treatment of diarrhea,toward the three pathological factors of dampness,heat and cold,treatment of removing dampness,clearing heat and dispelling cold,especially the first one should be applied,and others are selected by differentiation of syndromes.And for gallstone,treating principle should be established according to the theory of qi stagnation,disharmony between the gallbladder and the sto-mach as well as obstruction by substantial pathogens.And regulation of qi,relieving pain,regulating the functions of the gallbladder and the stomach should be applied so as to removing calculus.Professor QIU Mao-liang's theory of "three benefits" of acupuncture for diseases of digestive syst-em is formed on the analysis of the primary and secondary pathologies,the degree of symptoms,progress of the diseases,characteristics of the acupuncture techniques and aims of the treatment.Thus,his theory has great significance in the clinic.
作者 吴中朝 何崇
出处 《中国针灸》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期377-381,共5页 Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion
关键词 消化系统疾病 针灸疗法 名医经验 邱茂良 Digestive System Diseases Acupuncture-Moxibustion Therapy Famous Doctor's Experience QIU Mao-liang
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