
功盖千古 启牖后人──论顾炎武对-k尾入声的离析及其贡献

On Gu Yan-wu's Division of k-end ru-sheng Rime Category
摘要 对-k尾入声的离析,是顾炎武对古音学研究的一个重要贡献。论析顾炎武在《唐韵正》里主要离析的屋沃烛觉药铎陌麦昔锡10个带-k尾的入声韵,并予以归类分析。其中屋韵分为3支,其余9韵一分为二。如药韵“药栎弱虐爵约跃绰”归宵部,“略若惹缚攫著却”归鱼部。其离析之精当,段玉裁、戴震、江有诰等曾有过高度评价,而清儒及今人入声韵研究在很大程度上得力于此。 Gu Yan-wu (顾炎武) divided ru-sheng (入声) rime categories. It is his important contribution to the archaic Chinese phonology. In his book Tang Yun Zheng (唐韵 正), one of Yin-xue Wu-shu (音韵五书 ), Gu Yan-wu devided mainly k-end ru-sheng rime category: Wu 屋, Wo 沃, Zhu 烛, Jue 觉, Yao药, Duo 铎, Mo 陌, Mai ,麦 Xi昔,Xi锡 -ten in all. Among these rimes, the rime category Wu was divided into three branches. Each of the other nine rime category was divided into two branches. For example, rime category Yao 药 was divided into two parts: (A) the rime characters '药栎弱虐谑爵约跃绰”; etc. (B) the rime characters“略若惹缚攫著却”, etc. The rime characters in group (A) were matched with rime category Xiao 宵, (B) groups belonged to rime category Yu 鱼. It was accepted by later generations, because his division was very precise and appropriate. Gu's followers, such as Duan Yu-cai (段玉裁), Dai Zhen (戴震) and Jiang You--gao (江有浩), agreed fully with Gu's division of ru-sheng. They gained a good deal of enlightnment from his study. In the opinions of his followers, Gu's discovery was his own discovery and was beyond his follower Jiang Yong (江永). Great advances had been made by Qing scholars and mordern phonologists in the field of the archaic Chinese phonology. It was they who actually based their study on Gu's discovery to a great extent.
作者 张民权
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第2期115-121,共7页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
关键词 顾炎武 -k尾入声 古音学研究 <<唐韵正>> Gu Yan-wu the archaic chinese phonology Tang Yun Zheng k-end rusheng division and distribution
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  • 1顾炎武,近代人声之误[A].音学五书:音论卷中[C],北京:中华书局,1982.
  • 2江有诰.音学十书:人声表凡例[Z].北京:中华书局.1993.
  • 3戴震.答段若庸论韵[A].戴震文集:卷4[C].北京:中华书局,1980.
  • 4段玉裁.答江晋三论韵[A].江有诰,音学十书[C].北京:中华书局,1993.








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