“创新”是知识经济时代最根本的特征和要求。“知识经济”时代要不断创新 ,首先是要有一大批高素质的不断创新的人才。没有这样一大批人才 ,那么我们将要远远落伍。目前我国高等教育在教育培养人才方面仍存在着观念上、教学方法上的滞后与弊端。因此 ,要扭转这种局面 ,必须彻底从转变教育观念 ,改革教育方法入手 ,真正为我国培养一大批富有创新精神的高素质人才。只有这样 ,方能大力推进我国知识经济时代的进步 ,迎头赶上“知识经济”发展的时代潮流。
Knowledge economy requires continual innovation,which is fundamental feature and requirement of knowledge economy.Without creative talents on innovation can be realised,the country will be lagged far behind.Presently,high-educational ideas,methods are quite backward and have many shortcomings.To change this situation the educational ideas should be changed,methods be improved to train creative talents with high quality.Only through these measurement can China push knowledge economy forward and follow the tide of knowledge economy.[
Journal of Northwest Minorities University(Social Sciences)