长江水灾不仅给长江流域社会经济的可持续发展带来严重的阻碍 ,而且成为整个中华民族的心腹之患。长江水灾的频繁发生 ,是长江流域不合理的垦殖导致大幅度水土流失和河湖淤塞、水位抬升的结果 ,归根结底是流域生态安全体系严重失控所致。只有尽快建立国家生态安全体系 ,才能从根本上减轻长江水灾的危害 ,确保国民的生存和国家的安全与发展。国家生态安全体系建设的战略重点是生态安全网。
Yangtze River floods are not only a huge encumbrance to the sustained social and economic development in the Yangtze River basin; they also pose a threat to the whole Chinese nation. The frequent occurrence of Yangtze River floods is a result of the excessive land reclamation and cultivation in the river basin, which in turn leads to large scale soil erosion, silting of rivers and lakes and the rising of water level. Ecological security networks, ecological strategic points and ecologically vulnerable areas must be restored and reconstructed.
Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)