目的观察含左氧氟沙星三联疗法与常规四联疗法根除幽门螺杆菌(Hp)的临床疗效差异,并分析不良反应的差异。方法 260例既往未接受过根除治疗的Hp感染患者,按照分层随机分为A、B组两组,每组130例,A组为泮托拉唑+克拉霉素干混悬剂+左氧氟沙星治疗组,B组为泮托拉唑+胃三联(枸橼酸铋钾+克拉霉素+替硝唑)治疗组,各组疗程均为1周,疗程结束4周后行14C-尿素呼气试验判断效果,结果阴性者判断为Hp根除,观察临床疗效及不良反应差异。结果 A组Hp根除103例,根除率83.1%(103/124),B组Hp根除107例,根除率87.7%(107/122),差异无显著性(P>0.05);A组发生不良反应4例,发生率3.2%(4/126),B组发生不良反应13例,发生率10.4%(13/125),差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论含左氧氟沙星三联疗法具有与常规四联疗法相似的根除Hp疗效,而且可以降低治疗中的不良反应发生率,依从性更好,可作为根除Hp感染的一线方案。
Objective To compare the clinical efficacy and adverse reactions of levofloxacin-based triple therapy and conventional quadruple therapy for eradication of helicobacter pylori(Hp).Methods Two hundred and sixty patients without treatment for eradication of Hp were equally randomized into groups A and B.The patients in group A were treated with pantoprazole,clarithromycin granules for suspension and levofloxacin,while the patients in group B were treated with pantoprazole and weisanlian(bismuth potassinm citrate+ clarithromycin+ tinidazole).The period of treatment was 1 week.The clinical efficacy was checked by 14C-urease breath test 4 weeks after the end of therapy.Results The number of eradication of Hp was 103 in group A with a rate of 83.1%(103/124).The number of eradication of Hp was 107 in group B with a rate of 87.7%(107/122).The difference was insignificant(P0.05).The number of adverse reaction was 4 in group A with a rate of 3.2%(4/126).The number of adverse reaction was 13 cases in group B with a rate of 10.4%(13/125).The difference was significant(P0.05).Conclusion Levofloxacin-based triple therapy has equal clinical efficacy compared with conventional quadruple therapy for eradication of Hp.Furthermore,it shows fewer adverse reactions during treatment,which can be an effective therapy for the firstline anti-Hp treatment.
Journal of Clinical Medicine in Practice