老子对其“道”有着一以贯之的思路 ,即道是对生命本真存在的体悟。“无”在老子道论中具有核心地位 ,“无”是道的超验性的指称。因此 ,道之“生”,并非宇宙论的化生 ,而是出于生命的体验 ,其本质就在于“无”之生 ,是“无”之心体对万物的当下成就。以“无”为本体的“无 -有”一体化运作形成道的内在结构 ,“无”在“言”出“有”中踏入了超验性与经验性的两难境地 ,而“有”对“无”的当下回归使物我保其真性。在这个结构中 ,“真”是“无”的内涵 ,“虚”与“静”构成了“无”的动力机制。
Laozi has a persistent thought that 'Tao' comes from the realization of reality of life. 'Wu' is the core of Tao. Wu is the name of Tao's trans experience. Therefore, The Procreation of Tao is not the result of Cosmology, but comes from the realization of reality of life, the nature of which is Procreation of Wu. The operation of 'Wu You' established on Wu forms the structure of Tao. Wu and You form the conflict of trans experience and experience. The returning from You to Wu keep the truth of nature. In this structure, Reality is the connotation of Wu, Void and Whisht form the motive of Tao.
Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)