1912年至 194 9年民国时期的行政区划 ,其前期 ( 192 7年前 )是省、道、县三级制 ,中后期为省、县二级制。辛亥革命后沿袭清末 2 2省 ,1913年起置绥远、热河、察哈尔、川边 (西康 )特别区 ,后遂改为省。顺天府改置京兆地方 ,旋并入直隶省。阿尔泰区域由外蒙直隶中央 ,继又划属新疆省 ,并新设宁夏、青海省 ,另置过东省特别区和威海卫行政区。抗战胜利台湾省回归 ,东北地区划建新 9省。 194 6年初承认外蒙古独立。该时期还创设直辖市和普通市 ,增添不少设治局。194 7年 6月全国共 35省 ,1地方 ,12院辖市 ,57省辖市 ,2 0 16县 ,4 0设治局 ,3管理局 。
The administrative divisions in the Republic of China underwent two phases. The first phase (before 1927) was three-level system (province, dao, county). The second phase was two-level system (province, county). After the Revolution of 1911, there remained 22 provinces. There were nine more new provinces after the Anti-Japanese War. By that time there were 35 provinces, one locality,12 municipality directly under the Central Government, 2016 counties, 40 She-zhi bureaus, 3 administration bureaus and 311 banners.
Journal of Hubei University(Philosophy and Social Science)