市场经济与为人民服务没有内在联系,但发展社会主义市场经济要与为人民服务 结合起来;社会主义制度和市场经济的运行机制要求提倡为人民服务,克服“市场经济自身的弱点 和消极方面”,促进社会主义市场经济健康发展“更要提倡”为人民服务;为人民服务是社会主义道 德的核心和集中体现,要在全体人民中加以提倡;领导干部更要在全心全意为人民服务中做表率, 正确行使人民赋予的权力,当好人民的“公仆”。
Market economy and 'serve the people' have no internal relations, but the development of socialst market economy should be combined with 'serve the people'. The operation mechanism of socialist market economy and the socialist system both need to serve the people and overcome the weakness and negative aspects of market economy. 'Serve the people 'should be advocated among people of all trades, and leading cadres should take the lead in serving the people heart and soul.
Journal of Southwest China Normal University(Philosophy & Social Sciences Edition)