文言语篇的句际衔接一般是通过意联来完成 ,而英语语篇的句际衔接则通常要通过形联来实现。因此 ,文言语篇英译中的句际衔接必须运用适当的翻译技巧才能敦促语言信息的妥善移植 ,如相关寓义的发掘、语法手段的选用、关联呼应的补足等便是语符换改时有用且不可或缺的转换方略。
The syntactic coherence in Chinese classic discourse is usually made by sense coherence. But English coherence is done by structure. Therefore, the translation from English to Chinese should be finished through translation skills to make the coherence of rendered discourse that carries language information. The linguistic conversion methods are necessary to the dicovery of related senses, grammatical rules and cohrence implementation.
Journal of Gannan Teachers' College(Social Science(2))