密尔的平等思想是其政治法律哲学的重要组成部分 ,也是为思想家增辉的一个亮点。他通过对现实问题的关心阐述了自己的平等思想 ,这主要包括两个方面 :一是他对 1 860年代美国南北冲突问题论述中 ,号召人们支持北方 ,主张黑人的平等权利 ;二是他对英国妇女问题的论述中 ,认为妇女的不平等境遇多是偏见造成 ,力倡改变观念 ,主张妇女的平等权利 。
Ideas on equality are elements of John Mill’s political and legal Philosophy.He elaborated his ideas on the question by dealing with problems appeared at his days.His ideas can be divided into two parts.First,in 1860s,when America was having clash between the South and the North,Mill justified that Negro have equal rights and asked people to stand on the North side.Second,as to woman's equal rights,Mill believed that woman's disadvantaged status mostly caused by bias.He wished all public post should be open to woman and let them have the right to vote.
Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)