著作权 (以下与版权混用 )作为一种无形财产 ,其潜在的价值只有通过使用和转让才能体现出来。著作权的使用和转让是著作权法中一项极为重要的内容 ,各国著作权法无不对此加以明确规定。然而 ,在我国知识产权界流行着的一种观点却认为 ,我国《著作权法》中只有关于著作权使用的条款 ,而无著作权转让的规定。依据各国著作权法 ,著作权的产生基于创作作品的事实和法律的规定 ,并且即使在作者死亡之后作品仍受法律保护。因此 ,著作权的转让是著作权法无法回避 ,也不可能回避的问题。本文认为 ,虽然我国《著作权法》尚待完善 ,但对著作权的转让也作出了具体规定 ,持《著作权法》中没有关于著作权转让规定的观点的学者 。
Copyright,a kind of intellectual property,can not manifest its potential value unless it is exploited and transferred.Therefore,the exploitation and transfer of copyright are vitally important contents of a copyright law,and are expressly provided for in the copyright laws of various states.However,there is a prevalent position among Chinese scholars in the field of intellectual property which maintains that the Chinese Copyright Law only provides for the exploitation of copyright,but not for its transfer.In accordance with the copyright laws of the various states,copyright arises from the fact that a work has been created and the provisions under the law,and the work issubject to copyright protection even after the author dies.Accordingly,the transfer of copyright is an issue at which a copyright law can not be silent ,and the Chinese Copyright Law should be no exception.The author of this article holds that there is much room for the Chinese Copyright Law to be perfected,but the Law itself does make some concrete provisions with respect to the transfer of copyright.The reason why many scholars suggest that there is no such provision in the Chinese Copyright Law mainly because they misunderstand what a transfer of copyright really means.
Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)