
火箭在轨大尺寸、重负载交会对接技术研究 被引量:1

Research on Large Dimension and Heavy Load Rendezvous and Docking Technologies of In-orbit Launch Vehicle
摘要 根据国内外空间交会对接技术的发展现状,以及我国深空探测任务的不断发展,提出研究火箭在轨大尺寸、重负载交会对接技术,满足我国航天事业的未来发展和规划复杂飞行任务的需求。重点对火箭在轨大尺寸、重负载交会对接的关键技术进行了梳理,通过分析认为火箭在轨大尺寸、重负载交会对接技术的研究复杂、难度大、周期长,因此其预研工作的开始已经迫在眉睫。 Based on the current status of rendezvous and docking technology home and abroad, as well as the continuous development of China's deep space exploration, the in-orbit launch vehicle rendezvous and docking technology focused on the features of large dimension and heavy load is proposed to meet the future requirements of China's aerospace industry. Key technologies of in-orbit launch vehicle rendezvous and docking focused on large dimension and heavy load are analyzed, which include: docking mechanism, attitude control, propulsion system, in-orbit test, simulation technology, and system design. Analysis show that study on the large dimension and heavy load in-orbit launch vehicle rendezvous and docking technology will be very complicated and need a long time to complete, therefore it is extremely urgent to begin the research work in advance.
出处 《载人航天》 CSCD 2012年第2期1-6,共6页 Manned Spaceflight
关键词 火箭在轨 大尺寸 重负载 交会对接技术 In-orbit Launch Vehicle Large Dimension Heavy Load Rendezvous and Docking Technology
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