
论“生产方式” 被引量:22

On ‘Mode of Production’
摘要 "生产方式"一词在马克思经济学著作中出现的频率极高,但表达的含义并不完全相同。其基本用法我认为有两种:第一,指社会生产的类型或型式;第二,指社会生产的劳动方式。马克思在"《资本论》第一版序言"中开宗明义指出:"我要在本书研究的,是资本主义生产方式以及和它相适应的生产关系和交换关系。"在讨论《资本论》研究对象时,对这句话中"生产方式"一词的理解争论极大。根据马克思"生产力—生产方式—生产关系"的一贯分析原理并结合《资本论》第一卷的实际内容,我认为这里的"资本主义生产方式"应理解为"资本主义劳动方式"。"劳动方式"是生产力与生产关系矛盾运动的中介体。特定的劳动方式以一定的生产力为基础,同时受到特定生产关系的制约,具有显著的社会历史特征。马克思在《资本论》研究对象中首先强调"资本主义生产方式",意味着他在研究资本主义经济时将直接生产过程中经济关系的考察放在了基础位置,把对资本主义生产方式的批判置于首位。我们应以《资本论》为范例,把劳动过程和劳动方式纳入政治经济学的研究对象。 The term 'mode of production' is often used in Marx's works, but the meaning of it varies with different contexts. In my opinion, this concept has two basic meanings: one is the type of social production, the other means the mode of labor. Marx wrote in 'Preface to the First German Edition' of Das Kapital that 'In this work I have to study the capitalist mode of production, and the conditions of production and exchange corre- sponding to that mode. 'There has long been a controversy on the meaning of 'mode of production' of this quotation under the discussion about the object of study of political economy. In accordance with Marx's analytical principle on 'forces of production mode of production relations of production', It seems to me that 'the capitalist mode of production' of this quotation should be understood as 'the capitalist mode of labor'. A specific mode of labor, as an intermediary of the contradiction between forces and rela- tions of production, is based on the specific productive forces while restricted by the specific relations of production, and therefore has its social and historical characteris- tics. That Marx puts the emphasis on 'the capitalist mode of production' in interpreting the object of study of Das Kapital implies that economic relations of capitalist production process underlie the capitalist economy, and a priority should be given to the critique of the capitalist mode of production. We should follow Marx's example to include the labor process and the mode of labor in the object of study of political economy.
作者 高峰
出处 《政治经济学评论》 CSSCI 2012年第2期3-38,共36页 China Review of Political Economy
关键词 生产方式 劳动方式 资本主义生产方式 《资本论》研究对象 mode of production mode of labor capitalist mode of production object ofstudy of political economy
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  • 1Ibid.
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  • 4(苏)斯大林(И.В.Сталин)著,中共中央马克思恩格斯列宁斯大林著作编译局.斯大林全集[M]人民出版社,1954.
  • 5G.Unwin and others.Samuel Old Know and the Arkwrights,1924.
  • 6Tenny Frank.An Economic History of Rome,1927.
  • 7T.Frank.An Economic History of Rome.
  • 8G.Unwin.Industrial Organization in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries,1904.
  • 9W.B.Crump.TheLeeds Woolen Industry 1720—1820,1931.
  • 10W.B.Crump.The Leeds Woolen lndustry 1720—1820,1931.










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