选择北京动物园饲养的4种雁行目水禽和杭州动物园小天鹅进行H5N1禽流感疫苗免疫,考察其免疫效果。结果表明,在免疫约20 d抗体滴度达到峰值,后逐渐下降,抗体水平下降速度因野生水禽的种类不同而不同。
This survey selected 4 species of waterfowl raised in Beijing Zoo and a group of little swan raised in Hangzhou Zoo as the object of antibody test for vaccination of subtype H5N1 of Avian Influenza.The results showed that the antibody titer achieved the peak 20 days after vaccination,then gradually decreased.The rate of antibody decline was different between species.
Journal of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine