目的 观察转移性肾癌不同组织学亚型间生物化疗的效应差异 ,探讨预测疗效的因素。 方法 对 2 6例转移性肾癌病人应用α 2b干扰素 (第 1周 5× 10 6IU/m2 皮下注射 3次 ,第 2周起增至 10× 10 6IU/m2 ,每周 3次 )与长春花碱 (0 .1mg/kg ,每 3周 1次静脉注射 )联合治疗 6个月。 结果 随访 4~ 48个月 ,完全缓解 1例 ,部分缓解 7例 ,病灶无变化 3例 ,病灶进展 15例。缓解病例均为透明细胞癌 ,病灶进展者则为其他类型癌。 结论 转移性肾癌干扰素与长春花碱联合生物化疗疗效与组织学类型有关 ,透明细胞癌缓解率高。
Objective To assess the biochemotherapeutic effects on different pathologic subtypes of metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Methods A total of 26 patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma were enrolled to biochemotherapy.Interferon α 2b was injected subcutaneously at a dose of 5×10 6IU/m 2 3 times during the first week and subsequently 10×10 6IU/m 2 3 times a week.Vinblastine was given intravenously at 0.1mg/kg once every 3 weeks.Treatment was continued for 6 months. Results After follow up of 4~48 months there were 1 CR,7 PR,3 NC and 15 PD.CR and PR occurred in patients with clear cell carcinoma and PD in those with other histologic types of renal cell carcinoma. Conclusions Interferon α 2b and vinblastine combination therapy showed high responses in patients with clear cell carcinoma whereas the response has been poor in other histologic types of metastatic renal cell carcinoma.
Chinese Journal of Urology