目的 探讨Ilizarov肢体延长术在临床的应用和相关问题 ,重点讨论骨延长的成骨机制和软组织延长后的组织学变化及并发症。方法 对 1991~ 1998年所治疗的肢体延长进行总结分析。结果 36例中 ,男 2 1例 ,女 15例 ;年龄 4~ 17岁 ,平均 8岁。其中下肢不等长 30例 ,先天性桡骨头脱位 5例 ,双侧先天性肱骨内翻 1例。下肢延长 2 .5~ 9.5cm ,平均 5cm ,延长指数 2 8~40d/cm ,平均 32d/cm。尺骨延长 1.5~ 2 .5cm ,肱骨延长 9cm和 12cm。上肢延长指数 30~40d/cm ,平均 36d/cm。除 1例未完成延长外 ,其余病例均达到预期延长长度。结论 Ilizarov肢体延长术治疗肢体不等长、先天性桡骨头脱位具有良好的疗效。
Objective The aim of the study is to evaluate the results and study the histological changes of Ilizarov limb lengthening operation. Methods Patients who underwent Ilizarov limb lengthening operation between 1991 and 1998 were analysed. Results The mean age of the 36 patients (male 21,female 15) was 8 years (range 4~17 years). The indications included lower limb discrepancy (n=30), congenital dislocation of radial head (n=5), and bilateral congenital varus humerus (n=1). The lower limbs were lengthened by an average of 5cm (range 2.5~9.5?cm). The lengthening index averaged 32?days/cm (range, 28~40?days/cm). The ulnas were lengthened by 1.5~2.5?cm and the humeri were lengthened by 9~12?cm. The lengthening index of the upper limbs was 36?days/cm (range=30~40?days/cm). With the exception of one case, all patients were achieved expected results. Conclusion Ilizarov technique is an effective mean of treatment for lower limb discrepancy and congenital dislocation of the radial head.
Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery