为了使节点在网络中存在恶意节点和自私节点时能够选择安全可靠的路由,降低恶意节点和自私节点对无线Mesh网络带来的影响,文中通过对无线Mesh网络混合路由协议HWMP(Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol)和信任模型的研究,提出了基于主观逻辑信任模型的无线Mesh网络可信路由协议THWMP(Trusted HWMP),大大降低了因为信任的传递带来的网络开销,同时保证了路由的可信度。与HWMP路由协议相比较,在网络中存在恶意节点时,THWMP路由协议能够在增加有限的额外开销的情况下保证全网有较高的数据传递成功率和吞吐量。
To reduce the harmful effects of malicious nodes and select trusted route when malicious and selfish nodes exist in wireless networks, this paper, based on subjective logic trust model and hybrid wireless Mesh protocol of wireless Mesh networks, proposes a wireless Mesh network trusted routing protocol-THWMP. THWMP routing protocol integrates subjective logic trust model and HWMP, and in combination of trust value delivery and route selection, improves the credibility of route and success rate of data transfer without introducing much overhead. As compared with HWMP, when malicious and selfish nodes exist in the network, THWMP could, with limited increase in overhead, maintain higher success rate of data transfer and higher throughput of the whole network.
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