目的 探讨老年人骨折的危险因素。方法 调查32例老年骨折患者并选择无骨折老年人146例作对照,将骨折与性别、体重指数、骨密度、跌倒、外伤、运动、视力、居住和营养等指标加以聚类。结果 骨折、跌倒、外伤聚在一类(CL5),性别和骨密度、体重指数和营养这4个指标两两相聚后形成一大类(CL6)。结论 性别、骨密度、营养、外伤和跌倒是影响老年人骨折的主要危险因素。
Objective: To study risk factors of fractures in the elderly. Methods 32 cases of fracture and 146 controls were investigated. Cluster analysis was applied to analyze 8 variables. Results Fall and trauma were linked to fracture (CL5). Sex and bone mineral density, body build index and nutrition were linked respectively and then formed a new cluster (CL6). Conclusions Sex, bone mineral density, nutrition, trauma and fall were important risk factors of fractures in the elderly.
Geriatrics & Health Care