
不育症患者精液微量元素与精液质量之间的相关性分析 被引量:11

Correlation between sperm quality and trace elements in infertile patients
摘要 目的探讨男性不育症患者精浆中微量元素含量与精液参数的相关性。方法对101例健康男性(对照组)和500例男性不育症患者(不育组)进行精浆锌、铁、铜、钙、镁、镉含量检测及精液常规分析,采用Spearman相关性分析对精浆中微量元素含量与精液参数进行相关性分析。结果不育组精浆锌含量低于对照组,铜、镉含量高于对照组(P<0.05);钙、铁、镁含量组间比较无统计学差异(P>0.05)。不育组精浆钙、镁、铁含量与精液pH值呈负相关(P<0.05),锌含量与精子活率、精子密度呈正相关(P<0.05),镉含量与精子密度、精子活率、活跃精子密度呈负相关(P<0.05)。结论不育症患者精浆中微量元素含量与精液参数存在密切的相关性。 Objective To explore the correlation between semen trace elements and quality in infertile patients.Methods Zinc,iron,copper,calcium,magnesium,cadmium in seminal plasma and semen quality were detected for 103 healthy controls(control group) and 500 infertile patients(infertile group).The correlation between seminal level of trace elements and the parameters of semen routine test were analyzed by Spearman correlation analysis.Results Seminal level of zinc in infertile group were significantly lower than control group,but levels of copper and cadmium were higher(P0.05),and there was no significant difference of calcium,iron and magnesium level between the two groups(P0.05).Zinc level was positively correlated with sperm motility and density in infertile group(P0.05),but cadmium level was negatively correlated with sperm density,motility and active sperm density(P0.05).Conclusion There could be close correlation between seminal level of trace elements and semen parameters in infertile patients.
出处 《国际检验医学杂志》 CAS 2012年第6期659-660,共2页 International Journal of Laboratory Medicine
基金 广西卫生厅自筹资金课题(Z2008446) 广西大型仪器协作网资助(678-2008-091)
关键词 不育 男性 微量元素 精液 infertility male trace elements semen
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