Clinically,a new technique usinga balloon catheter to treat the mitralstenosis has been recently develo-ped,which calls for the relevantanatomic knowledges.Usually theoval fossa is chosen as the passagefor the catheter,as it is compara-tively thin and near the left atrio-ventricular orifice.In this study,thethickness of the oval fossa measuredon 31 hearts averages 0.6mm at itscenter and 0.9mm on its periphery.The center is located 2.5cm apartfrom the orifice of the inferior ve-na cava.Additionally,an in vivo stu-dy shows in 67% of the cases the ce-nter of the oval fossa is at the levelof the lower one third of the seve-nth thoracic vertebra.Based upon theanatomic findings an approach forthe insertion of the balloon catheterthrough the inferior vena cava andthe oval fossa is recommended.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy