众多专家学者指出,大学英语教学的中心应逐渐从通用英语向专业英语转移,以着力培养学生的英语工作能力作为专业英语规模最大,内容最丰富的一个分支,科技英语教材的建设和发展关系到专业英语教学改革的成败。通过对部分高校科技英语教材使用情况的调查,分析了目前高校EST(English for Science and Technology)英语教材建设中存在的问题:教材选材过难、形式单一、不能利用先进的网络学习环境。针对这些问题,提出了建设包括分级课本、多媒体光盘和网络学习平台在内的立体化EST教材体系的构想,并提出EST教材编写的具体建议。
It is proposed by many experts that the focus of college English teaching should be shifted from general English to English for Specific Purposes,aiming to develop students' ability to use English as a tool.Since EST is the most important variety of ESP,EST materials selection and exploitation has a profound impact on the approaching ESP reform.Upon investigation,this paper explores the problems in EST materials development in some colleges and universities,including inappropriate level of materials,monotonous forms,and failure to make use of the Internet learning environment.To tackle these problems,this paper puts forward a multi?dimensional EST materials framework,which is composed of graded textbooks,a multimedia CD and an Internet learning platform.
Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology:Social Sciences Edition
English for Specific Purposes
English for Science and Technology
multi-dimensional textbook