Objective To reveal the potential mechanism of inhibition of erythropoietic differentiation in acute promyelocytie leukemia (APL) by investigating the effect of promyelocytic leukemia-retinoic acid receptor α(PML-RARα) fusion protein in APL cells on transcriptional regulation of LMO2, a critical transcription factor in erythropoiesis. Methods Chromatin immunoprecipitation-based polymerase chain reaction (ChlP-PCR) was used to investigate whether PML-RARα could bind to LMO2 promoter in vivo. Luciferase report assay was performed to examine whether PML-RARα was able to repress the activity of LMO2 promoter. Revers transeription(RT)-PCR was conducted to measure the expression level of LMO2 before and after induction of PML-RARα in PR9 cells. A large-scale gene expression profile dataset was used to analyze the expression pattern of LMO2 in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Results PML-RARα could bind to LMO2 distal promoter region in vivo, and the transcription activity of LMO2 promoter was suppressed in a dose-dependent manner. With the elevation of PML-RARα the transcription level of LMO2 distal transcript was significantly inhibited, and the expression level was down-regulated. The expression of LMO2 was lower in APL when compared with other types of AML and normal bone marrow. Conclusions LMO2 was the target gene of PML-RARα and the transcription of LMO2 was down-regulated by PML-RARα through binding to its distal promoter region.
Journal of Internal Medicine Concepts & Practice