1Un kepartment of Public Information : A United Nations Pririty: Introduction.1999.p.2.
3The United Nations Department of Public Information;Press Release,February 15,1994.
4Kofi Annan,address to the General Assembly Commemorating the 50^th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,New York,December 10,1998. SG/SM/6827.
5The United Nations Department of Public Information:DPI/1550/Hrrev. 1-August, 1998.
6UNDP: Integration of Human Rights into the Sustainable Development. Mew York, February 1998.
9United Nations:The United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education 1995- 2004:Lessonsfor Life .1998.
10Statement by the United Nations Secretary-General Before the Special Commemorative Meeting of the General Assembly Honouring 50 Years of Peaeekeeping,Oetober 6,1998.