

Properties of compacted lime-stabilized dredged sludge
摘要 材料化处理后的疏浚淤泥土主要由松散的土团聚体组成,作为工程填土使用需先用外力使其密实.本文通过室内试验,分析了淤泥材料化土松散团聚体击实后的基本性质,包括土的干密度、孔隙比、饱和度,及其分别与掺灰比、闷料期的关系.试验结果表明:击实疏浚淤泥材料化土的干密度随着掺灰比的增大而增大,随闷料期的延长而增大;孔隙比随着掺灰比的增大而减小,随着闷料期的增大而减小;饱和度随着闷料期的变化不显著,大部分达到90%以上. The lime-treated dredged sludge is dry and cohesionless soil,thus it should be compacted as the fillback materials.The paper presents an experimental study on the basically properties of the loose stabilized dredged sludge after compacted,including the relationship of dry unit weight,porosity ratio,saturation degree with ratio of lime and curing period by laboratory experiments.Results show that the dry unit weight increases with the lime ratio and curing period increasing,the porosity ratio decreases with the lime ratio and curing period increasing,the saturation degree is over 90% and has not significant change with the lime ratio and curing period increasing.
出处 《武汉工程大学学报》 CAS 2012年第3期22-26,共5页 Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(51108217) 云南省科技厅应用基础研究计划项目(2011FZ047)
关键词 疏浚淤泥 材料化 击实 干密度 孔隙比 饱和度 dredged sludge stabilization compaction dry unit weight porosity ratio saturation degree
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