
高等学校图书馆管理电子资源下载量的著作权政策建构 被引量:5

摘要 相对于其他类型的图书馆,高等学校图书馆读者对电子资源违规超时、超量下载问题相对严重。图书馆构建和实施限制电子资源下载量的著作权政策具有多方面的意义。目前,我国高校图书馆电子资源下载政策主要有原则规定型、时间规定型、数量规定型和综合规定型等类型,未来应从提高认识、表述规范、协议公开、加强宣传、注重贯彻等方面完善管理电子资源下载行为的著作权政策。 Compared with other types of library,it is a serious problem that the readers usually get out of line overtime and excessively download electronic resources in libraries at colleges and universities.For libraries,to formulate and implement the copyright policy to limit the number of downloads are of great significance in many respects.At present time,policies of downloading electronic resources in libraries at colleges and universities of China have several conditions,mainly it presents as followings: principle provision,time limitation,quantity limitation,comprehensive limitation,etc.we should perfect the download policies and management of copyright from effectiveness of rules,standard description,opening situations,enhancing public awareness,paying more attention to performances and so on.
作者 杨娅
出处 《图书馆学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第7期93-96,F0003,共5页 Research on Library Science
关键词 高等学校 图书馆 电子资源 下载量 著作权政策 colleges and universities library electronic resources downloading quantity copyright policies
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