
性别在企业员工成人依恋与工作绩效关系中的调节作用 被引量:12

Gender as a Moderator Between Adult Attachment and Job Performance in Chinese Employees
摘要 本研究探讨了依恋关系对员工工作绩效的影响以及性别在其中的调节作用。通过采用亲密关系经历量表(ECR)、关系问卷(RQ)和工作绩效问卷三个研究工具,对110名不同职业和岗位员工依恋与工作绩效的关系进行调查,结果发现:1.倾注型被试在情境绩效上的得分显著得低于安全型被试和害怕型被试。2.依恋焦虑与任务绩效和情境绩效均呈显著正相关。3.依恋焦虑可以预测情境绩效。4.通过进一步分析,发现男性和女性在情境绩效和任务绩效上有所不同,说明性别在依恋关系和工作绩效之间起调节作用。 Freud has said that the goal of psychotherapy is to allow the patient to love and to work ( Erikson, 1963 ). Just as studies of love generally ignore its relation to work, so studies of work tend to ignore its relation to love. Research on work has focused primarily on aspects of the work environment that influences job satisfaction, for the most part ignoring possible links between satisfaction with work and satisfaction with relationships. Work life and love life have been treated largely as non-overlapping, a perspective called the "myth of separate worlds. " Hazen and Shaver have argued that work is functionally similar to what Bowbly calls "exploration", that adult attachment supports work activity just as infant attachment supports exploration, and that the love/work balance marks healthy functioning in adulthood. According to Bowlby, attachment and exploration are linked as follows: to learn about and become competent at interacting with the physical and social environment, one must explore. But exploration can be tiring and even dangerous, so it is desirable to have a protector nearby, a haven of safety to which one can retreat. According to the attachment theory, the tendency to form an attachment to the protector and the tendency to explore the environment are innate tendencies regulated by interlocking behavioral systems. In Hazen and Shaver' s studies romantic love was conceptualized as an attachment process. They also supposed that adult work activity could be viewed as functionally parallel to what Bowlby calls exploration : for adults, work is a major source of the actual and perceived competence. On the basis of attachment theories and studies, they tested the relationship between attachment-love and exploration-work in adulthood. They found that securely attached respondents reported relatively high levels of work satisfaction in terms of job security, co-workers, income, and opportunities for challenge and advancement; anxious/ambivalent attachment was associated with feelings of job insecurity, lack of appreciation and recognition by co-workers, and not getting desirable and deserved promotions; avoidantly attached respondents reported dissatisfaction with co-workers but were similar to secure respondents in their satisfaction with job security and opportunities for learning. We investigated the employers in companies with the "snow ball" sampling method. Finally, 110 employers completed the questionnaires which included the Experiences in Close Relationships Scale (ECR) , the Adult Attachment Relationship Questionnaire (RQ) and the Work Performance Scale. The result showed that about half of the participants ( 50.9% ) were secure, 26 participants (23.6%) were dismissing, 22 participants (20%) were preoccupied, and only 6 participants (5.5%) were fearful. There was no significant difference among the four styles in task performance. However, the preoccupied attached respondents were lower than secure attached respondents and fearful attached respondents in contextual performance. The correlation analysis showed that the total years of work was correlated with avoidance positively, with anxiety negatively, with contextual performance negatively. The anxiety dimension of attachment was positively with both task performance and contextual performance. The multiple regression analysis showed that the anxiety and education of respondents could predict contextual performance, but the two dimension of adult attachment failed to do so. The main results showed that gender was a moderator between adult attachment and job performance. For males, contextual performance was significantly predicted by anxiety positively. For females, task performance was significantly predicted by education, age, anxiety positively; contextual performance was significantly predicted by education positively and the years of being in the position negatively. As some other studies found, we also gave evidence that the preoccupied attached respondents were influenced more in the contextual performance than the fearful attached respondents. The more anxiety attached respondents would pay more attention to their own job performance whether in real tasks or in personal relationships. There were few studies involving the function of gender between adult attachment and job performance. We found that the more anxious males would pay more attention to their personal relationship in the work places; even their task performance was good enough. However, the more anxious females would devote themselves to their work, and wanted to have a better task performance. Furthermore, the education and the years of work in the position will benefit the females and contribute to a good task performance.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期418-423,共6页 Journal of Psychological Science
关键词 成人依恋 工作绩效 性别 调节效应 adult attachment, work performance, gender, moderate effect
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