The factor analysis models and estimation methods for continuous (i. e. , interval or ratio scale) data are not appropriate for item-level data that are categorical in nature. The authors provided a brief review and synthesis of the item factor analysis estimation literature for categorical data (e. g. , 0-1 type response scales). Popular categorical item factor analysis models and estimation methods found in the structural equation modeling and item response theory literature were presented. Two Monte Carlo simulation studies were conducted and revealed: (1) Similar parameter estimates have been obtained from the SEM and IRT parameterizations. Even with a small sample and the IRT estimates converted to SEM parameters, the MWLSc, and MMIJEM results were found to be strikingly similar. But in a small sample size and long tests WLSc did not obtain the convergence parameter estimations. Although in short tests WLSc estimates obtained them, the estimates were consistently more discrepant than those yielded by the other estimation techniques. (2) The precision of the estimators enhanced as the quantity of the sample increased. (3) The precision of item factor load and of item difficulty parameter was influenced by the test length. (4) The precision of item factor load and of item discrimination parameter was influenced by the size of the whole factor load (discrimination). (5) The distribution of the threshold of test item affected the precision of the parameter estimate, and item discrimination was the most sensitive parameter to the threshold. (6) On the whole, the precision of item parameter estimate in SEM framework was higher than that in IRT framework. Both structural equation modeling (SEM) and the item response theory (IRT) could be used for factor analysis of dichotomous item responses. In this case, the measurement models of both approaches were formally equivalent. They were refined within and across different disciplines, and made complementary contributions to central measurement problems encountered in almost all empirical social science research fields. The authors concluded with considerations for categorical item factor analysis and gave some advice for applied researchers.
Journal of Psychological Science
parameter estimation, categorical data, confirmatory factor analysis, item response theory