目的:观察灯盏花素对老龄小鼠学习记忆及脑组织β-淀粉样蛋白水平的影响。方法:选用雄性自然衰老KM小鼠,随机分成5组:空白对照组、灯盏花素0.06 g.kg-1组、灯盏花素0.12 g.kg-1组、灯盏花素0.24 g.kg-1组和阳性对照组,每组10只,灌胃给予等容积药物或纯化水,每日灌胃1次,连续30 d。用Morris水迷宫测试学习记忆能力;用生化法测定SOD、MDA和AchE;双抗体夹心法测定脑组织Aβ水平。结果:灯盏花素能明显缩短老龄小鼠游泳时间及游泳路程;显著提高脑组织SOD活性,降低MDA和Aβ含量,降低脑组织AchE活性。结论:灯盏花素能改善老龄小鼠的学习记忆功能,其机制可能与提高SOD活性、降低脑组织脂质过氧化物和Aβ的含量、抑制AchE活性有关。
: OKIECTIVE To study the the cerebral protection of breviscapine for natural aging mice by measuring learning and memory ability and some biochemical indexes in brain tissue. METHODS Natural aging male KM mice were randomly di vided into 5 groups: Control group; LBre group(0. 06 g. kg 1 ) ; MBre group(0. 12 g.kg ^-1) ;HBre group (0. 24 g.kg ) and Nim group (. 03 gkg 1 ). All the mice were administrated by ig with drugs or )water in the same volume for 30 days. The Morris water maze was used to observe the learning and memory ability of model mice. Biochemical methods were used to de- termine the activity of SOD and Ache and the content of MDA and βamyloid protein in brain tissue. RESULTS ( 1 ) Breviscapine could significantly improve the memory of natural aging mice; (2) Compared with the control group, breviscapine could increase the activities of SOD and decrease the content of MDA and βamyloid protein in the brain tissue; (3) Breviscapine could also significantly decrease the activity of Ache in the brain tissue. CONCLUSION Breviscapine could improve the ability of learning and memory of natural aging mice, and its mechanism might involve in increasing the activities of SOD, reducing the level of MDA and βamyloid protein, decreasing the activity of Ache in brain tissue.
Chinese Journal of Hospital Pharmacy