目的探讨嗜酸性淋巴肉芽肿(ELG)的CT影像学表现及临床特点。方法回顾分析影像学误诊但经病理证实的8例腮腺ELG患者的CT影像,分别对患者性别、发病年龄、临床表现、发病部位及肿物大小、病灶数目、CT值、强化方式等进行分析。结果本病以青年男性多见,好发于腮腺区,表现为颌下、颏下、腮腺、耳后区及肩背部皮下慢性无痛性肿物,外周血检查嗜酸性粒细胞明显增多。CT表现为单发病灶或多个皮下软组织肿物;6例病变侵及周围皮下组织,引起邻近皮肤增厚,伴同侧或双侧淋巴结肿大。结论 ELG的临床和影像学表现有一定特点,结合二者有助于诊断。
Objective To explore the CT imaging features and clinical characteristics of eosinphilic lymphanaticgranuloma (ELG). Methods Eight patients with ELG imaging misdiagnosed, but confirmed by pathology were included. The CT findings were analyzed. The gender, age, clinical manifestation of these patients, as well as the localization, size, number, CT values and enhancing manner of the lesions were observed. Results The lesions of ELG were frequently seen in young and middle-aged male patients and in the parotid gland region. The patients usually had chronic painless mass in the jaws, chin, parotid gland and the region after ear with increased peripheral eosinophils. CT displayed single lesion or multiple nodules. The subcutaneous soft tissue mass invaded into the facial subcutaneous tissue, which caused adjacent skin thickening. There were enlarged lymph nodes in the same side or bilaterally. Conclusion ELG has some clinical and CT characteristics, which can help preoperational diagnosis, especially when the two traits are considered together.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology