为观察依那普利(enalapril)临床疗效,54例原发性高血压患者分成两组,分别进行双盲及单盲随机对照研究。服药后4周,依那普利组从治疗前血压164.1/99.7mmHg(kPa21.88/13.30)降至139.0/87.7mmHg(kPa18.53/11.70)(p<0.001),降压幅度为25/12mmHg(kPa 3.35/1.60);对照组从治疗前血压165.6/98.0mmHg(kPa22.10/13.06)降至147.9/89.8mmHg(kPa 19.72/11.97)(p<0.001),降压幅度为17.7/8.2mmHz(kPa 2.40/1.09)。两组间血压无显著性差异。依那普利组降压有效率为69.7%,对照组为57.2%,两组间无显著性差异(p>0.05)。服药前后各实验室检查未见异常变化。依那普利组主要不良反应为头晕,头痛,嗜睡等。
Effecacy of eanlapril and captopril was compared among 54 hypertension patients(BP≥160/95mmHg, aged 31-66y, 38 male, 16 female)by double-blind and single-bling methods. 32 patients administered enal-april for 4 weeks (maximum dose 40mg per day), 22 for captopril (ma-ximum dose 150mg per day). The baseline examination of the two groupswere comparable. After 4 weeks, both DBP and SBP showed significantdecrease in two groups (enalapril 164. 1/99. 7mmHg (kPa21. 88/13.2)to 139. 0/87. 7 mmHg (kPa18. 53/11. 70), captopril 165 .8/98. 0mmHg (kPa21. 88/13.30)to 147. 9/89.8mmHg (kPa19. 72/11. 97), p<0. 001 ). The effecacy was higherin enalapril group than captopril (69. 7%, VS 57. 2% ). Laboratory findingsobtained before treatment and after 4 weeks treatment showed no significantchanges. Side effects chiefly dizziness, sleepy, fatigue, nausea and headache,were more frequent in group of enalapril.
The Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology