豫谷16是安阳市农业科学院以豫谷9号为母本、自选稳定品系安2688为父本,通过有性杂交,海南异地加代动态选育而成的优质高产夏谷新品种,2011年3月取得河南省农作物品种鉴定证书。2008-2010年河南省谷子品种区域试验、生产示范试验中,平均产量分别为4 580.0kg/hm2、4 965.0kg/hm2,较对照豫谷9号分别增产3.59%和7.80%。该品种株高123.6cm,生育期89d,谷锈病、谷瘟病抗性均为1级,在全国第八届优质食用粟评选中被评为"一级优质米",适宜在河南省春夏播种植。
Yugu 16 was bred by Anyang Academy of Agricultural Sciences with Yugu 9 as female parent and optional stable strain An 2688 as male parent,through sexual hybridization and additive selection in Hainan.It was a new summer millet variety with good quality and high yield and obtained Henan crop variety identification certificate in March 2011.In millet variety regional tests and production demonstration trials of Henan province in 2008-2010,its average yields were 4 580.0 kg/ha and 4 965.0 kg/ha,respectively,increased by 3.59% and 7.80% than the control Yugu 9.The plant height is 123.6 cm,the growth period is 89 d,and the resistance to rust and blast is first level.Yugu 16 is named as "first grade good quality rice" in national eighth edible millet quality selection.It is suitable for sowing in spring and summer in Henan province.
Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences