目的 总结异体脱钙骨作为整形外科填充材料在鼻及耳廓畸形整复中应用经验 ,寻找一种理想的整形填充材料。方法 应用异体脱钙骨作为填充材料矫正先天性或外伤性鼻及耳廓畸形 2 1例 ,其中鞍鼻及鼻部不规则畸形 10例 ,外伤性耳廓缺损 6例 ,全鼻再造鼻尖部及鼻小柱填充 5例。结果 1例全鼻再造鼻尖部皮瓣部分坏死 ,去除局部少许脱钙骨后创面愈合 ,余 2 0例均获满意临床效果。随访 18例 ,最长达 9年 ,最短 6个月 ,无明显吸收及变性。结论 异体脱钙骨具有来源较丰富 ,易于切削塑形 ,对人体无毒、无害、无外露排出、无明显变形等优点 ,是一种较理想的填充材料。
Objective To summarize the experience of application of heterogenous decalcified bone (HDB) in the repair of nasal and aural deformities in order to find an ideal filling material. Methods HDB as filling material were used in plastic surgery on 21 cases. There were 10 cases of saddle noses and irregular nasal deformities, 6 cases of traumatic defect of auricles and 5 cases of total nasal reconstruction with nasal tips and short columellae filling.Results There is only one case with the necrosis of tips of flap healed after the removal of HDB. All the tocalother cases showed satisfactory result.Conclusion The resource of HDB is abundant. As a desired filling material, HDB is also easy sculptuse, nonrejection and harmless and nontoxic to human body.