In his Supplemented Commentary of Dongpo' s Ci Poems, Chen Yongzheng has criticized three versions of commentated Dongpo Ci Poems, including my Chronological Comments on Dongpo' s Ci Poems, which is his main target. However, by careful checking, we can find that there are substantial errors in most of Chen' s supplements, such as arbitrarily changing the original meanings ; neglecting the context of the whole work; explaining the classics regardless of their implications; misunderstanding due to his unfamiliarity to the historical customs and institutions; verifying facts only based on supposing; arbitrarily castrating and distorting others' works; and even simply blaming others without any argument. In this paper I am refuting Chen' s arti- cle according to the above categories with references for our readers to make a judgment, and more important- ly, expecting to establish a serious academic style and rigid academic norms.
Journal of School of Chinese Language and Culture Nanjing Normal University
Chen Yongzheng
Chronological Comments on Dongpo' s Ci Poems
academic norms