对湖北省 6个生态区 45个不同树种的防火特性进行了全面系统的分析 ,运用层次分析法对不同树种的燃烧特性、生态生物学抗火特性以及经济性状与环境适应性等综合评判 ,选择出适合湖北省的防火树种 2 6种 ,其中一级防火树种 6种 :大叶黄杨、海桐、枇杷、柑桔、光叶石楠、臭椿 ,二级防火树种 2 0种 :冬青、柿、石楠、樟、白檀、茶、黄柏、侧柏、麻栎、杨梅、杜仲、木荷、格药柃、枫杨、长叶石栎、广玉兰、马桑、紫玉兰、女贞、刺叶栎等。不同地区同一树种的防火性能比较稳定 ,在此基础上结合不同树种在全省的地理分布状况确定了全省
A comprehensive and systematic study on the fireproof characters of 45 kinds of trees in 6 ecological regions of Hubei Province. It gave a synthetical judgement to the combustibility and the ecological and biological characters on fire resisting and the economic characters as well as enviormental adaptability of the trees by analysis hierchy process (AHP). The study selected 26 fireproof trees, the first grade ones were Buxus microphylla S. et Z. var. aeinuluns Rehd. et Wils , Pittosporum tobira (Thunb.) Ait, Eriobotrya japonica Lindl, Citrus reticudata Blanco, Photinia glabra Maxim, Ailanthus altissima Swingle, the second grade ones were Ilex chinensis Sims, Diospyros kaki L.F, Photinia serrulatu Lindl , Cinnamomum Camphora (L.) Sieb, symplocos paniculata (Thunb) Miq , Camellia sinensis O. ktze, Sabina tibetica Kom, Biota orienlatis (L.) Endi, Quercus acutissima Carr , Myrica rubra Sieb. et Zucc, Eucommia ulmoides Oliv, Schima superbra Gardn. et Champ, Eurya muricata Dunn, Pterocarya stenoptera, L., Megalophyllus, Magnolia grandiflora L., Coriaria sinica Maxim, Magnolia liliflora, Ligustrumlucidum ait, Quercus spinosa Darid. The result showed that the fireproof characters of trees were steady by using comparing analysis for the difference of the fireproof characters of the same trees in different ecological region. Based on the result and the geographical distribution of the trees, the fireproof trees were determined for 6 different regions.
Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University